Friday, November 7, 2014

FADONA Press Release

In addition to this press release, we'd like to share some of the photos from the 2014 FADONA Convention. This photo album is located here; please "follow" us on Google+ (the platform the photos are located) and help build our online network! Thanks! 

FADONA Invites Presentation Proposals for 
Carrying the Torch of Leadership 2015”
28th Annual Convention will be returning to the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando

West Palm Beach, Fla. – Florida Association Directors of Nursing Administration/LTC (FADONA) is excited to announce that it is now accepting “Call for Speaker Presentations” for its 28th Annual “Carrying the Torch of Leadership” convention, being held March 30-April 2, 2015 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. Presenters who wish to speak at the convention are invited to submit an online proposal on FADONA’s website ( that will include details about the proposed presentation. Submissions should be based on FADONA’s needs assessment with issues related to long-term care and geriatrics. The submission site deadline for all applicants is December 19, 2014.

This is FADONA’s fifth-year of hosting this call for presentations process and it continues with enormous success. There has been a high interest level since this practice was debuted and FADONA expects this trend to continue this year. The calls for presentations process falls into FADONA’s mission of providing the highest quality education to health care practitioners in long-term care. High-profile and relevant educational programs have always been the pinnacle of the annual convention. Attendees expect clinical topics to be strong evidence-based lectures with cited references and administrative topics to be relevant to their setting and focused on current best care practices. It is the presentation review committee’s intent, that the best presentations incorporate attendee networking, case-discussion (Q&A), small groups, and take home tools such as handouts, key points, guides or quick tips. These types of presentations are highly encouraged and will result in the highest possible learning experience for attendees.

FADONA President Jean Nelson remains extremely passionate about the call for presentations process and its continued success. The quality of speakers and educational topics that the system has brought forth the last two years have been spectacular. For this reason, her excitement about the prospect of future submissions continues to grow.

 “FADONA has always worked tirelessly at providing excellence in education to our health care professionals working in long-term care and geriatrics. Since its inauguration, the call for presentations process has undoubtedly strengthened the quality of the annual convention. With increasing numbers of proposals, the program will continue to thrive. We are very eager to see the submissions we will receive this year,” said Nelson.

FADONA is the largest state chapter of NADONA in the country with more than 350 members. This is a huge achievement and FADONA is thrilled to have the participation and support of so many nurse leaders in long-term care. We hope to see each and every one of you at FADONA’s 28th annual conference at the Rosen Centre Hotel, March 30-April 2, 2015 in Orlando.

FADONA is back at the Rosen for the second-straight year. This award-winning 1,334-room hotel sets a spectacular standard of hospitality, service and value. Rising 24 stories, this premier hotel offers a highly-respected professional staff and outstanding accommodations. Connected to the Orange County Convention Center via the Rosen Centre Skywalk, it is an ideal headquarters hotel that caters to virtually any meeting. Rosen Centre combines impressive meeting capabilities with resort-style luxury in a world-class meeting and vacation destination.

To learn more about the venue or the call for presentations process go to or contact Matt Reese, FADONA’s Communication Manager, at (561) 683-0037.

The Florida Association Directors of Nursing Administration/LTC, otherwise known as FADONA, is a statewide coalition of professional, administrative long-term care (LTC) nurses holding director, assistant director of nursing (ADON/DON) or other administrative nursing roles. FADONA is a state chapter of the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long-Term Care and its primary goal is to ensure that the residents entrusted to their members enjoy the highest possible quality of life while receiving the finest quality care available.


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